Suscripción a Biblioteca: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-85295-345-3

International Heat Transfer Conference 10
August, 14-18, 1994, Brighton, UK


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC10.5290
pages 105-116


Drying of solids is a ubiquitous operation that provides a kaleidoscope of several interacting thermal and mass transfer phenomena. At the microscopic level the most general case involves transient coupled heat and mass transfer with change of phase in porous media accompanied by chemical or biochemical reactions. Both heat and moisture transfer may occur by different mechanisms (e.g. conduction, convection, radiation or volumetric dielectric heating for heat transfer, and liquid/vapor diffusion, surface diffusion, Knudsen diffusion or capillarity for moisture transfer) which may act individually, concurrently or consecutively depending on the product and type of dryer. This paper attempts to present a tutorial overview of the nature and scope of thermal problems encountered in conventional and emerging drying technologies with special reference to drying of paper and drying of particles and droplets in dispersed phase.