ライブラリ登録: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-85295-345-3

International Heat Transfer Conference 10
August, 14-18, 1994, Brighton, UK


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC10.2280
pages 37-42


The paper reviews the effect of acoustic streaming on heat and mass transfer. As illustrations of this effect two examples are described, namely, that of influence of acoustic streaming on heat transfer between two parallel plates, and formation of aerosol drift in a slowly oscillating sonic field.
In the heat transfer problem the fluid is enclosed between two horizontal parallel plates which are kept at different temperatures and a steady-state sonic wave is propagated in the direction parallel to the plates . The distance between the plates is much smaller than the sound wavelength. Rayleigh's vortical acoustic streaming that appears in the region between the plates leads to forced heat convection. The problem is analyzed theoretically using asymptotic analysis.
The drifting motion of aerosol particles under the influence of slow sonic oscillations is analyzed theoretically using the asymptotic small parameter method. The geometry consists of two plates with the lower one oscillating and the stationary upper one slightly curved. It is shown that this curvature causes a drift of aerosol particles in the longitudinal di