Inscrição na biblioteca: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-89116-559-2

International Heat Transfer Conference 8
August, 17-22, 1986, San Francisco, USA


Get accessIt's a pdf file. (open in a new tab) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC8.3910
pages 9-18


1986 is the 300th anniversary of Fahrenheit's birth, reason enough to reflect upon the life and work of this man, whose temperature-scale - despite metrification - is still in use today in the English-speaking world.
There are two issues, in particular, which we might consider: On what basis did Fahrenheit's scale achieve such a widespread distribution? From where did he derive the striking temperature -values for his scale (32 for the ice-point and 212 for the steam - point), which belong neither to a metrical nor to a footpound - second - system?
Before dealing with his thermometers we need to consider the background of Fahrenheit's life.