Abonnement à la biblothèque: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

International Heat Transfer Conference 4
August 31 - September 5, 1970, Paris-Versailles, France
The seven volumes containing scientific papers and the volume with abstracts, which are presented here, are meant to help the participants in their preparations for the Conference and for the use during the sessions. Together with the Contributions of the rapporteurs and the discussions, which both appear as post-conference publications, they also represent a documentation of the global state of the art in the field of Heat Transfer in 1970.

Pour accéder aux comptes-rendus complets de la conférence, merci de cliquer ici

Communauté scientifique internationale

E. A. Brun(open in a new tab) Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Paris, France
Ulrich Grigull(open in a new tab) Lehrustuhl A für Thermodynamik Technische Universität München 80290 München Germany
Erich Hahne(open in a new tab) Institut fur Thermodynamik und Warmetechnik, Universitat Stuttgart, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
W. B. Hall(open in a new tab) Nuclear Engineering Laboratories, University of Manchester, U.K.
Terrence W. Hoffman(open in a new tab) McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L7
Samson Semenovich Kutateladze(open in a new tab) Thermal Physics Institute, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
A. V. Luikov(open in a new tab) Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk
Fujio Tachibana(open in a new tab) Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

International Heat Transfer Conference 4