Abonnement à la biblothèque: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-89116-130-9

International Heat Transfer Conference 6
August, 7-11, 1978, Toronto, Canada


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC6.2020
pages 61-65


Jet condensers for steam turbines of 100−200 MWe capacity require special design and exact calculation procedure. Nozzles producing turbulent flat jets were developed, the hydraulic and heat transfer characteristics were measured and optimized.
By optimum arrangement of flat jets volumetric heat flux density of 3−4 times greater than in the surface condensers was reached without increase of steamside pressure loss.
Influence of air concentration in the steam to the heat transfer was investigated, especially in those ranges which occured in the jet condensers.
Calculation procedure was developed for the exact dimensioning of jet condensers within the practical air concentration range. This considers the reduction of effective temperature difference owing to the decrease of partial pressure of steam in the mixture.
Experiences gained in more than ten flat -jet condensers are reported.